Friday, January 21, 2011

A friend...who's a boy

Elaina has a friend at school who happens to be a boy...who she happens to think is awesome.  This week we had a play date with her friend, "C".  This was just some of the conversation at dinner:
Me: So, C...when you get grow up do you want to get married and have kids?
C: Oh NO!  I know one thing for sure, I do NOT want a husband (no you aren't lost...he's a boy..he just got mixed up)  I am going to have my own place where I can play video games and stuff whenever I want!
Me: Elaina, are you going to get married and have kids?
E: Oh yes, I know who I am going to marry...Peyton
C: Peyton! Why would you want to marry Peyton!?
E: Because he's really nice.
C: (silence, thinking) Well, you can still come to my house and play video games and stuff if you want.
E: OK! :)